The Academy of Church Leadership

The Academy of Church Leadership

Mastering Church Finances Conference

North Park University welcomes pastors, church staff, 以及各教派的平信徒领袖,参加六月十四日的“掌管教会财务会议”.

Conference will cover a number of topics from financial controls to clergy compensation. Lunch, materials, and parking is included with all registrations. A 50% scholarship is also available for anyone affiliated with a church.



Speaker Biographies

Elise BarrettElise Erickson Barrett, Keynote Speaker

Elise Erikson Barrett是解决牧区领袖面临的经济挑战的国家倡议的协调项目经理 She is a former ordained United Methodist pastor, now in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and is a writer whose book, What Was Lost: A Christian Journey through Miscarriage, received Christianity Today magazine’s “Best Book” award in the spiritual living category. Elise holds degrees from Hanover College (BA, Economics) and Duke Divinity School (MDiv).

Elaine Sommerville

Elaine Sommerville, CPA

Elaine Sommerville is considered a leading national tax professional in nonprofit tax issues. Elaine has been in the practice of public accounting for more than 30 years, 她的客户集中在非营利组织领域,包括宗教组织和其他类型的组织. 她在非营利组织和教会方面的经验是独一无二的,因为她有机会协助代理四个大型国税局考试案件,涉及年度预算超过1亿美元的组织, in addition to other IRS examinations of smaller nonprofit organizations. 这个国税局考试经验包括协助几个教会考试的代表.

Elaine currently devotes her time to handling various IRS issues, 包括个人的个人税收问题,以及非营利组织和教会的联邦和州合规问题. Elaine frequently assists organizations in gaining their tax-exempt status with the IRS. 多年来,伊莱恩已经成功地为组织提交了100多份豁免申请. 她经常被其他注册会计师事务所和律师事务所寻求提供与诉讼或监管程序相关的税务服务, has participated in large case IRS compliance reviews, and researches tax issues for special client situations. In addition, 她每年为客户进行几次国税局合规审查,以帮助他们遵守联邦和州的法规. 她的公司目前为非营利组织准备了150多份990或990- ez表格.
In addition to working with nonprofit organizations in areas of regulatory compliance, Elaine has a passion for training those who work for nonprofit organizations. She is a regular speaker for The Church Network, including teaching a portion of its certified church business administrator curriculum, the Houston Church Co-Op, the Texas State Society of CPAs, the Shelby Systems Annual Conference, and the Texas Society of CPAs. Elaine是美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)关于990表格准备的8小时CPE课程的讲师. 她是PPC《澳门网络博彩游戏》的特约作者,也是《澳门网络博彩游戏》提供的各种出版物的特约编辑. 2011年,她入选教会网络杰出服务提供者名人堂.

Elaine is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Texas Society of CPAs and The Church Network.

Micheal BattsMichael E. Batts, CPA

Mike Batts is the managing partner of BMWL. Mike有超过30年以各种方式为非营利组织服务的经验. He advises nonprofit organizations on matters related to board governance, financial reporting, tax compliance and strategy, risk management, corporate structure, international activities, and related topics. Mike actively engages in nonprofit legislative matters at the federal and state levels. 他曾在全国性和地方性非营利组织的董事会任职并担任主席. Mike currently serves as the chairman of the board of ECFA, 一个在董事会管理和财务诚信方面对宗教非营利组织进行认证的全国性组织. 他曾担任宗教组织问责制和政策委员会主席, a national commission convened by ECFA upon the request of the then-chairman of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, to provide policy advice to Congress, the Treasury Department, the Internal Revenue Service, 而非营利性部门则与影响宗教和其他非营利性组织的联邦税收政策有关. In 2013, 迈克因其对教会社区的重大贡献而入选了全国教会工商管理协会名人堂. Mike is co-author, together with attorney and CPA Richard Hammar, of the book Church Finance, 这是一本为教会和非营利组织财务管理提供实用指导的参考书. Recently, Mike also authored the book, 非营利组织财务监督-董事会和财务委员会的简明和完整指南. Mike is also author of the book, Board Member Orientation – The Concise and Complete Guide to Nonprofit Board Service, 他继续创造和提供其他实用的资源来服务于非营利组织. Mike is a summa cum laude graduate of Stetson University, where he studied accounting. 他在佛罗里达州注册会计师考试中获得了州和国家的最高认可. He is also a Chartered Global Management Accountant. Mike leads our national headquarters office in Orlando as well as our Dallas office.

Rob HallRob Hall, Vice President of Real Estate Services, National Covenant Properties

Rob是National Covenant Properties(“NCP”)房地产服务副总裁,拥有20多年的工作经验。, the lending arm of the Evangelical Covenant Church (“ECC”) denomination. In his role, 罗布帮助教会寻找合适的建筑,并获得购买或翻新空间所需的资金. Prior to joining NCP, Rob served as president of Covenant Development Corporation, as associate director of Technical and Legal Services for the ECC, and as Midwest regional director for Habitat for Humanity. Rob拥有North Park University的宗教和心理学学士学位,以及DePaul University- college of Law的法学博士学位.

Ann Hicks, Professor of Accounting, North Park University

Dr. 安·希克斯(Ann Hicks)在商业和非营利管理学院教授一门具有挑战性的课程:会计. But Dr. Hicks does it in a way that helps students make sense out of complex information, according to one recent graduate. Describing Dr. 希克斯作为“一个伟大的老师,”丹妮尔·帕文蒂C ' 11感谢她的课程和关心教学. “Accounting has so many difficult concepts,” says Danielle Paventi. “And Dr. Hicks explained them so well. I am blessed to have learned from someone with such knowledge and such a gift for teaching.” Prior to joining North Park’s faculty, Dr. Hicks在房地产和教育领域担任了近20年的高级会计和财务职位. This experience, 结合她对教学的热情和她与学生建立的关系, helps her communicate the possibilities that accounting holds for future careers. Dr. Hicks earned her PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, MS in Accounting from the University of Houston at Clear Lake City, and a BS in Finance from the University of Kansas.

Tim O'BrienTimothy O 'Brien,澳门网络赌博游戏教会领导学院项目主任 & Conference Facilitator

Tim serves as the Program Director for The Academy of Church Leadership. He has had a long career as practitioner (Controller, CFO, Consultant), and Professor of Nonprofit Management. He serves as a Church Treasurer of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Evanston, IL and has provided consulting services to many nonprofits and faith-based organizations. Tim is a co-author of Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations, 3rd Edition to be published in Fall 2018 by John Wily & Co. 并撰写了许多关于非营利性管理和宗教机构发展的文章,并担任国际演讲者和研讨会负责人. Tim received his PhD in Organizational Behavior from Union Institute and University, and his Masters in Management from John F. Kennedy University.


9:00–10:00 a.m. Keynote Address Elise Barrett
10:15–11:15 a.m. Financial Oversight Michael Batts
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Taxes & Clergy Compensation Elaine Sommerville
1:15–2:15 p.m. Internal Financial Controls Ann Hicks
2:30–3:30 p.m. Facilities Management Rob Hall