

我们的校园餐饮设施是开放给所有学生,教师和工作人员使用. 马格努森校园中心的用餐时间为社交和了解其他北公园学生提供了绝佳的机会. You won’t want to miss it.

食堂尽一切努力满足各种各样的饮食需求, including food allergies, as well as class schedules. 有特殊情况的人士可浏览每周的菜单及配料表,网址为 校园里的菜澳门网络赌博游戏的餐饮服务经理,电话:(773)244-4939,有任何问题或疑虑. Students with food allergies can also seek 住宿 致电(773)244-5737或发送电子邮件至ADA@northpark与访问专家联系.edu.


First-year students living in the residence halls must be on a minimum of the 每周15 during the first semester. 一年级学生在注册住房时将有机会选择每周15周计划或所有访问计划. If no selection is chosen, 所有住校学生将自动分配到第15周计划. 膳食计划可以在学期的第一周通过提交 Meal Plan Add or Change Form (to access the form, log in using the NPU credentials). 第一学期的一年级学生只能选择每周15周计划或全部访问计划.

返回居民 must select either a Weekly 7, 每周15, or All Access plan. These students will have the opportunity to select between the Weekly 7, 每周15, or All Access plan when signing up for housing. 如果没有选择,将自动分配第15周计划. 膳食计划可以在学期的第一周通过联系更改 Residence Life and Housing.

Students living in undergraduate apartments and houses 没有选择膳食计划的学生将在他们的住房合同中获得每周两顿的校园食堂福利.

Students living in graduate student housing 有兴趣经常光顾食堂的学生可以通过通知研究生宿舍来选择每学期的膳食计划,或者购买弹性美元或在门口支付每餐费用.



所有的访问: 享受各种各样的膳食选择的时间和地点,适合您的日程安排. 全面访问计划为您提供无限制访问食堂的机会, 包括一周七天营业时间内的自助餐. A total of $200 Flex美元 is included in this plan. 爱玛客每天早上和下午都在餐厅提供小吃,只有参加这个计划的人才能享用. 了解更多.

每周15: 灵活性和价值的完美结合,每周有15次访问食堂和200美元或350美元的弹性美元. 膳食周从周四的早餐开始,到周三的晚餐结束. Meals not used during the week cannot be rolled over to the next week. 了解更多.

第七周: Meals are ready and available when you need them. 该用餐计划包括每学期每周7次访问食堂. A total of $500 Flex美元 is included. If your schedule varies week to week due to working, an internship or other commitments, this might be the perfect meal plan for you. 了解更多.

Block 25 – Commuter only: The ideal plan for commuter students on the go. Includes 25 visits to the Dining Hall and $100 Flex美元. 了解更多.

All Flex $275 – Commuter only: $275 Flex美元 that can be used in the dining hall, 1891 Bread Co. 和维京市场 & 咖啡馆. 了解更多.


爱玛客的弹性美元计划允许学生将钱存入与他们的北公园身份证相关的账户,并用这些钱在食堂支付餐费或在1891面包公司购物. or the 维京人的市场 & 咖啡馆. 在Flex $中任意添加,随时在线,并使用您的ID进行支付. 弹性美元余额将在每年的秋季和春季学期之间结转, but expire at the end of an academic year. Flex美元可以添加到North Park的任何膳食计划中,也可以由没有参加膳食计划的人单独购买. 除了, no sales tax is added to student purchases made with Flex美元, for even more savings.

欲知详情,请浏览 northpark.campusdish.com or get step-by-step instructions on how to purchase Flex美元.

Bickner Bistro and 1891 Bread Co.

Located on the first floor of the Johnson Center for Science and 社区生活比克纳小酒馆是我们校园餐饮设施的最新成员. It includes a wide range of seating and table options, including comfortable couches near fireplaces and televisions. Students use Bickner Bistro to study, collaborate with 教师 and 工作人员 on projects, and to hang out between classes.

The Bistro space includes the 1891 Bread Co. counter; its menu includes brewed gourmet coffee, specialty coffee drinks, 冰沙, 焙烤食品, 沙拉, 丰盛的汤, made-to-order sandwiches, 和甜点.


提供早餐, 午餐, and dinner for students, 教师, 工作人员, 和客人, 主校区食堂位于我们大学主校区的南端. It is on the second floor of Magnuson Campus Center, near the Burgh and Anderson residence halls.

Food service includes options to please all diners, including offerings for vegetarians and other special dietary needs. Contact our food service manager at (773) 244-4939 for more information.

北公园的食堂不仅仅是一个吃饭的地方,也是学生们和朋友聚会的地方, 认识新朋友, and participate in a number of campus traditions, including a yearly Thanksgiving meal served by 教师 and 工作人员.

维京人的市场 & 咖啡馆

维京人的市场 & caf是一家点菜式零售食品店,有很多桌子和舒适的座位, large-screen televisions, and a wide selection of sandwiches, 沙拉, 零食, 和饮料. 维京人的市场 & 咖啡馆 is located on the west side of the 体育馆, adjacent to the hallway leading to Carlson Tower lobby.


7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m.

7:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.


Breakfast: 7:00–9:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 7:00–9:30 a.m.
午餐:11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

Breakfast: 7:00–9:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast: 7:00–9:30 a.m.
午餐:11:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

早午餐:上午10:30.m.–1:30 p.m.

7:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.


芝加哥 Dining Favorites

When you’re on our campus, we encourage you to enjoy a meal in our dining hall, 这是一家新装修的餐厅,提供广泛的膳食选择,以满足每个人的饮食需求.

然而,当你想离开校园吃饭时,选择是无数的. This is a world-class city, 北帕克人喜欢享用其他地方找不到的餐厅. Our own Albany Park neighborhood boasts scores of ethnic restaurants, 方便的公共交通将学生和游客连接到芝加哥其他著名的餐饮场所, 整个城市.

Neighborhood Restaurants


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